Saturday, September 21, 2019

【SEAnews:India Front Line Report】 September 19, 2019 (Thu) No. 3936

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India Front Line Report
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Latest Top News(vol.190919)
(最新ニュース 27件)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46577(1/27)

【ウラジオストク】ナレンドラ・モディ首相は9月5日、「インドはロシアと肩を組んで極東開発に乗り出す」と述べるとともに、「資源に恵まれたこの地域の開発のための10億ドルの融資枠を設ける」と発表した。(...Read more)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46578(2/27)

【符拉迪沃斯托克】纳伦徳拉·莫迪总理于9月5日表示,印度将与俄罗斯在远东发展方面并肩作战,并宣布为这个资源丰富地区的发展提供10亿美元的信贷额度。(...Read more)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46579(3/27)
◆India extends $1 billion line of credit for development of Russia's Far East

【Vladivostok】Prime Minister Narendra Modi on September 05 said India will walk shoulder-to-shoulder with Russia in its development of the Far East and announced a $1 billion line of credit for the development of the resource-rich region.(...Read more)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46580(4/27)

○インド/日本、インド太平洋協力2 + 2対話開催(...Read more)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46581(5/27)

○印度/日本,举行印度太平洋合作2 + 2对话(...Read more)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46582(6/27)
◆PM Modi meets Japanese PM Shinzo Abe in Russia

【Vladivostok】Prime Minister Narendra Modi on September 05 met his Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe and the two leaders pledged to deepen the robust bilateral ties in a number of areas, including in economic and defence sectors.
○India, Japan to hold 2+2 dialogue on Indo-Pacific cooperation(...Read more)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46583(7/27)

○状況は劇的に変化(...Read more)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46584(8/27)

○情况巨大变化(...Read more)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46585(9/27)
◆Pak govt may establish some sort of a relationship with Jerusalem

【Lahore】At a juncture when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu might undertake a short trip to India this month before Indian premier Narendra Modi flies to New York for the United Nations General Assembly meeting, some "intriguing suggestions" have suddenly cropped up on the social media network in Pakistan for the incumbent Imran Khan-led regime to revisit the national foreign policy and establish some sort of a relationship with Jerusalem.
○The situation has changed drastically(...Read more)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46586(10/27)

○ロンドン警察、カシミール支援デモ参加者二人を逮捕(...Read more)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46587(11/27)
◆世界有责任制止印度的侵略; 伊姆兰总理

○伦敦警方逮捕了两名克什米尔支持示威者(...Read more)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46588(12/27)
◆World has responsibility to stop Indian aggression; PM Imran

【Islamabad】Prime Minister Imran Khan on September 4 apprised the visiting foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) of the situation arising from New Delhi's illegal and unilateral actions in occupied Kashmir, stating that the international community has the responsibility to urge India to halt and reverse its illegal actions and aggressive policies and postures.
○Two held in London after Indian mission damaged in Kashmir protest(...Read more)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46589(13/27)

【マレ】スリランカのラニル・ウィクラマシンハ首相は昨日、モルディブで開催されたインド洋会議(IOC:Indian Ocean Conference)で、「インド洋は一方で『インドと中国』、他方で『アメリカと中国』が縄張りを争うグローバル地政学の舞台と化している」と語った。
○スリランカとモルディブの提携は世界的なテロ撲滅に寄与(...Read more)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46590(14/27)

【马累】斯里兰卡总理拉尼尔·维克勒马辛哈(Ranil Wickremesinghe)昨天(9月4日)在马尔代夫举行的印度洋会议(IOC:Indian Ocean Conference)上表示,「印度洋是一方面『印度和中国』,另一方面『美国和中国』互相争夺地盘的当代全球地缘政治的剧场。」
○斯里兰卡与马尔代夫的携手将确保没有恐怖主义的世界(...Read more)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46591(15/27)
◆Sri Lanka opposes military rivalry in Indian Ocean region: PM

【Male】Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe yesterday (September 4) told the Indian Ocean Conference meeting in The Maldives that the Indian Ocean was becoming "a theatre of contemporary global geopolitics with India and China on one hand, and the and USA and China on the other, competing for space".
○SL-Maldives ties would ensure a world free of terrorism(...Read more)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46592(16/27)

【ダッカ】バングラデシュのアブル・カラム・アブドゥル・モメン外相は、ドイツ・メディアのインタビューに応じ、「バングラデシュ政府は、国連援助機関が10万人の難民をベンガル湾の離島に移住させる計画を支持するよう望んでいる」と語った。(...Read more)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46593(17/27)

【达卡】孟加拉国外交部长阿布尔·卡拉姆·阿卜杜勒·莫门(AK Abdul Momen)在接受徳国媒体采访时说,「孟加拉国政府希望联合国援助机构支持其将10万名难民迁移到孟加拉湾偏远岛屿的计划。」(...Read more)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46594(18/27)
◆Support Rohingya island relocation or leave the country: Bangladesh to UN

【Dhaka】In an interview with a German media outlet, Bangladesh Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen said that the Bangladeshi government wants the United Nations aid agencies to support its plan to relocate 100,000 refugees to a remote island in the Bay of Bengal.(...Read more)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46595(19/27)

【カトマンズ】ネパールを訪れた中国の王毅外相は9月10日、帰国に先だってネパール共産党統一毛沢東主義派(NCP:Nepal Communist Party=Unified Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist)のプラチャンダ・プシュパ・カマル・ダハル共同議長、ネパール会議派(NC:Nepali Congress)のシェール・バハドゥル・デウバ議長、およびNCのラム・チャンドラ・パウデル上級指導者と会談した。(...Read more)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46596(20/27)

【加徳满都】中国外交部长王毅于9月10日与尼泊尔共产党(NCP:Nepal Communist Party=Unified Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist)帕苏巴·卡麦尔·达哈尔(Pushpa Kamal Dahal)联合主席,尼泊尔国民大会党(NC:Nepali Congress)的谢尔·巴哈杜尔·徳乌帕(Sher Bahadur Deuba)主席和NC的拉姆钱徳拉·保徳尔(Ramchandra Paudel)高级领导人会面。(...Read more)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46597(21/27)
◆Foreign Minister Wang Yi's visit stressed Nepal-China relations

【Kathmandu】Visiting Minister of Foreign Affairs of China Wang Yi on September 10 held meetings with Nepal Communist Party (NCP) Co-chairperson Pushpa Kamal Dahal, Nepali Congress President Sher Bahadur Deuba and NC's senior leader Ramchandra Paudel, prior to his return.(...Read more)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46598(22/27)

【カトマンズ】米国大使館が「ネパールは『インド太平洋戦略(IPS:Indo-Pacific Strategy)』に反対する」と伝えた中国外務省の声明についてネパール政府に釈明を求めた翌日(9月12日)、ゴクル・プラサド・バスコット(Gokul Prasad Baskota)通信情報相は「IPSに関してパキスタン政府は何等逸脱していない」と表明した。(...Read more)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46599(23/27)

【加徳满都】在美国大使馆要求尼泊尔政府澄清中国外交部声明说「尼泊尔不同意『印度太平洋战略(IPS:Indo-Pacific Strategy)』」的一天后,政府发言人戈库尔·普拉萨徳·巴斯科塔(Gokul Prasad Baskota)今天(9月12日)表示在政府对IPS的立场上没有任何偏差。(...Read more)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46600(24/27)
◆No deviation in Nepal's Indo-Pacific Strategy: Govt says to US Embassy

【Kathmandu】A day after the Embassy of the United States sought the government's clarification on a Chinese Foreign Ministry statement that stated Nepal disagrees with the Indo-Pacific Strategy (IPS), the government Spokesperson Gokul Prasad Baskota today (September 12) said there had been no deviation in the government's position regarding the IPS.(...Read more)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46601(25/27)

○離却語言(りきゃくごごん)(...Read more)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46602(26/27)

 全世界人口的54%,即约36亿人信仰的『亚伯拉罕诸教(Abrahamic religions)』据说是基于被犹太人,基督徒,回教徒以及其他宗教信徒认可的主要旧约圣经人物亚伯拉罕与上帝的盟约而来的。
○离却语言(...Read more)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46603(27/27)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Parable of vineyard)

 The Abrahamic religions, which is believed by 3.6 billion people, that is, 54% of the world's population, is said to be based on the covenant of Abraham, who is recognized as a major biblical figure of the Old Testament by Jews, Christians, Muslims and others, and God.
Although there are significant differences among their doctrines of Abrahamic religions, they all put the Old Testament account at the heart of their faith. However, recent archaeological discoveries revealed that many descriptions of the Old Testament originated from the ancient Sumerian mythology of Mesopotamia.
○Babylonian flood legend
○Theocratic contract society and Amazing food production
○The prototype of the Garden of Eden
○The captivity of Babylon and the establishment of the Old Testament
○"Parable of vineyard"
○Absentee landlord and peasants
○Gnostic meaning of "Parable of vineyard"
○Detachment From Words(...Read more)
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