Tuesday, March 31, 2020

【SEAnews:India Front Line Report】 March 30, 2020 (Mon) No. 3941

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India Front Line Report
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Latest Top News(vol.200330)
(最新ニュース 27件)
2020-03-30 ArtNo.46733(1/27)

【ニューデリー】新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)の流行と、その国内及び世界需要への影響を考えれば、インドの経済成長は新年度予算案発表時のレベルから大幅に下降するものと見られる。(...Read more)
2020-03-30 ArtNo.46734(2/27)

【新徳里】考虑到冠状病毒19的蔓延及其对国内和全球需求的影响,印度的经济増长可能从财政预算案的水平将会大大地下降。(...Read more)
2020-03-30 ArtNo.46735(3/27)
◆Growth pangs: Budget plans may go haywire as Covid-19 wreaks havoc

【New Delhi】Given the spread of Covid-19 and its impact on domestic and global demand, India's economic growth could fall considerably from the budgeted level.(...Read more)
2020-03-30 ArtNo.46736(4/27)

○デリー警察、CAA抗議者が占拠したシャヒーンバーグを解放(...Read more)
2020-03-30 ArtNo.46737(5/27)

○徳里警察扫除了占据沙欣巴格的CAA抗议者(...Read more)
2020-03-30 ArtNo.46738(6/27)
◆Ipca and Cadila Healthcare gear up to make drug for coronavirus

【Mumbai】Hydroxychloroquine, a drug whose largest manufacturer is an Indian firm, has shot into the limelight after the US president advocated it as potential therapy for COVID-19.
○Delhi Police vacate Shaheen Bagh of CAA protesters(...Read more)
2020-03-30 ArtNo.46739(7/27)

【ニューデリー】最高裁判所は最近の画期的判決において、インド準備銀行(RBI:Reserve Bank of India)が銀行その他のRBI管理下の法人を通じた仮想通貨(VC:virtual currencies)の取引を禁止した通達を無効(setting aside)にした。(...Read more)
2020-03-30 ArtNo.46740(8/27)

【新徳里】最高法院最近做出了画期性裁决,以推翻了(setting aside)印度储备银行(RBI:Reserve Bank of India)的一项通告,该通告禁止通过银行和其他受RBI监管的实体进行虚拟货币(VC:virtual currencies)交易。(...Read more)
2020-03-30 ArtNo.46741(9/27)
◆SC decision has freed up VC exchanges, but onus is on government now

【New Delhi】Recently, in a landmark ruling, the Supreme Court set aside Reserve Bank of India (RBI) circular, which had banned trading in virtual currencies (VCs) through banks and other RBI regulated entities.(...Read more)
2020-03-30 ArtNo.46742(10/27)

【ニューデリー】昨年12月に初の債券上場投資信託(ETF:Exchange Traded Funds)が成功したことから、インド政府は、新スキームの下、2020−21年度には少なくとも2000億ルピーのバーラト・ボンドETFの新たなトランシェを準備し、別途5年もの新規債券ファンドを起債、中央公共企業(CPSE:central public sector enterprises)の年間借り入れをコスト効率良く実行に移す計画だ。(...Read more)
2020-03-30 ArtNo.46743(11/27)

【新徳里】由于在去年12月第一次债券上市投资信托(ETF:Exchange Traded Funds)计划成功,印度中央政府为了以具有成本效益的方式实行中央公共企业(CPSE:central public sector enterprises)的起债计划,于2020-21财政年准备通过印度债券ETF(Bharat Bond ETF)来筹集至少2000亿卢比、同时可能分别上市5年期债券ETF。(...Read more)
2020-03-30 ArtNo.46744(12/27)
◆Debt ETF: PSUs to mop up Rs 20,000 crore in FY21

【New Delhi】With the success of the maiden debt exchange traded fund (ETF) in December, the Centre will come out with a new tranche of Bharat Bond ETF of at least Rs 20,000 crore in FY21, and may also float a new 5-year debt fund under the scheme to help the central public sector enterprises (CPSEs) mobilise a part of their annual borrowings in a cost-efficient manner.(...Read more)
2020-03-30 ArtNo.46745(13/27)

【イスラマバード】パキスタンの政治と政治家は、壊れやすく、波乱に満ちた同国『民主主義』のランドスケープの中で、一貫してかなり敵対的な性格を保っている。実際、パキスタンの常軌を逸した民主主義の歴史のどの時点においても、国内の主要政党はいずれも敵対的な政治への頑固な執着を示して来た。おそらく、これは各党の指導者がパキスタンで採り得る主流政治の唯一の形態なのだろう。(...Read more)
2020-03-30 ArtNo.46746(14/27)

【伊斯兰堡】巴基斯坦的政治和政治人物在脆弱波乱的该国民主体系景观中,一直保持着相当敌对的性格。实际上,在该国不稳定的民主历史的任何时候,所有主要的民族政党都顽强地保持敌对性姿态。也许,这是政党领导人有能够在巴基斯坦采取的唯一主流政治姿态。(...Read more)
2020-03-30 ArtNo.46747(15/27)
◆Pakistan can't afford a political crisis during a pandemic

【Islamabad】Within a fragile and deceptively undulating 'democratic' landscape, politics and politicians in Pakistan have consistently maintained a rather adversarial character. In fact, at any given point in the erratic democratic history of the country, all leading national political parties have shown their tenacious adherence to adversarial politics. Perhaps, this is the only kind of mainstream politicking that party leaders are capable of doing in Pakistan. (...Read more)
2020-03-30 ArtNo.46748(16/27)

【ダッカ】未だ嘗て無い財政政策上の挑戦と言うものがあるとすれば、今がそれだ。世界的な保健衛生及び経済的危機の最中にバングラデシュ政府の予算シーズンがスタートした。その危機の深刻さと持続期間はまだ端緒に過ぎない現時点では計り知れない。(...Read more)
2020-03-30 ArtNo.46749(17/27)

【达卡】如果有从来没体检过的一个财政政策上的挑战,就是现在!全球保健卫生和经济危机中,政府的预算季节已经开始了。关于其危机的深度和持续时间,到现在为至不会知道。因为其危机刚刚开始而已。(...Read more)
2020-03-30 ArtNo.46750(18/27)
◆Bring on fiscal policy, taming coronavirus rampage

【Dhaka】If there ever was a challenging time for fiscal policy, this is it! The budgeting season for the government has started amidst a potential global health and economic crisis whose depth and duration are as uncertain today as when it started. (...Read more)
2020-03-30 ArtNo.46751(19/27)

【コロンボ】スリランカ全国選挙委員会(NEC:National Election Commission)は、国内におけるコヴィッド19(COVID-19)感染状況の深刻さに鑑み、4月25日に予定されていた2020年国会選挙の延期を決定した。
○中国5億米ドル融資、SLの外貨準備補強支援(...Read more)
2020-03-30 ArtNo.46752(20/27)

【科伦坡】斯里兰卡国家选举委员会(NEC:National Election Commission),鉴于该国内冠状病毒19(Covid-19)感染局势的严重性,已决定推迟原定于4月25日举行的2020年国会选举。
○中国贷款5亿美元支持斯里兰卡外汇储备(...Read more)
2020-03-30 ArtNo.46753(21/27)
◆Sri lankan Polls postponed

【Colombo】Sri Lanka National Election Commission (NEC) has decided to postpone the Parliamentary Election -2020 scheduled to be held on April 25 due to the severity of the Covid-19 situation within the country.
○Chinese concessional loan of US $ 500mn to increase SL foreign reserves (...Read more)
2020-03-30 ArtNo.46754(22/27)

【カブール】タリバンとアフガニスタン政府は3月22日、ヴァーチャル会議を開き、捕虜の釈放について協議した。オフィシャル・ソースによると、交渉の行き詰まりと初期の和平プロセスを脅かしている問題の打開に向けて曙光がさしたと言う。(...Read more)
2020-03-30 ArtNo.46755(23/27)

【喀布尔】塔利班和阿富汗政府于3月22日举行了虚拟会议而讨论释放俘虏问题。官方发表说打开僵局并除掉妨碍初步和平谈判进程的威胁方面取得有所突破的希望。(...Read more)
2020-03-30 ArtNo.46756(24/27)
◆Taliban-Afghan government Skype call breathes life into peace process

【Kabul】The Taliban and the Afghan government held a "virtual" meeting on prisoner releases on March 22, officials said, offering some hope of a breakthrough on a matter that has deadlocked the two sides and threatened a nascent peace process.(...Read more)
2020-03-30 ArtNo.46757(25/27)

 イーサー(イエス) −マリアの子− が言った。「この世は橋である。渡って行きなさい。しかし、そこに家を建ててはならない。(クルアーン)
○ヤマト民族意識の形成(...Read more)
2020-03-30 ArtNo.46758(26/27)

○大和民族意识的形成(...Read more)
2020-03-30 ArtNo.46759(27/27)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Aramaic roots IV)

 Isa (Jesus), son of Mary, said: "This world is a bridge. Pass over it, but build no houses on it." (Quran)
○Jesus is the type of Prince Shotoku
○Ancient exchanges of Japan, China and Korean Peninsula
○The pronunciations of "邪馬台" should be "Yamato"
○Zhou li (周里: the unit of distance of Zhou era) was used
○Another theory: Yamatai-Koku was on the Shikoku Mountains
○Only 10% of genetic information of modern Japanese came from Jomon people
○Formation of Yamato ethnic consciousness(...Read more)
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Monday, March 30, 2020


करीना तो सेफ है, हाथों में सैफ के ,
करोना से सेफ हम ,हाथों को साफ़ कर
तन्हाई में वो मियाबीबी मौज मनाते ,
हम तनहा है ,रखने को करोना को ताक पर

वो  इक्कीस दिन

एक दिन पत्नी बहुत खफा थी ,गुस्सा उनके सर पर था
बोली ,मेरे लिए ,तुम्हारे पास, वक़्त ना ,पल  भर  का
इतने  बिज़ी हो गए हो तुम ,ख्याल न खुद का रख पाते
न तो ढंग से  खाते  पीते ,न ही प्यार ही  दिखलाते
हमने भी महसूस किया ,सच बात कही है पत्नी ने
वादा किया कि दो  हफ्ते  हम लेंगे छुट्टी  ,गर्मी  में
जहाँ कहोगी तुम ,बस हम तुम ,अपना वक़्त गुजारेंगे
हनीमून को दोहराएंगे ,मिल कर मस्ती मारेंगे
प्लान कर रहे थे हम ये सब ,पर एलान  हुआ एक दिन
कोरोना के कारण सब कुछ बंद रहेगा ,इक्कीस दिन
सारे दफ्तर बंद ,सिनेमा,मॉल ,दुकानों पर ताला
हम खुश थे ,मन चाहा अवसर ,मोदीजी ने दे डाला
काम धाम कुछ नहीं ,अकेले ,हम और पत्नी ,बैठे घर
 लाभ उठाएंगे अवसर का ,मस्ती मारेंगे  जी  भर
हम दोनों खुश ,चहक रहे थे ,पहले दिन तो लगा मजा
काम वालियां जब ना आयी दूजे दिन ,तो लगी सजा
करो खुद ही सब झाड़ू पोंछा ,पका खाओ,मांजो बरतन
घर की डस्टिंग ,कपडे धोना ,काम करो सब नौकर बन
थोड़े काम किये पत्नी ने , थोड़े  हमने ,बाँट लिए
आपस सहयोग किया कुछ दिन मुश्किल से काट लिए
हो जाते थे पस्त  इस तरह ,सभी मस्तियाँ भूल गए
हनीमून दोहराने वाले ,सपने सभी फिजूल गए
ना कर सकते ,सैर सपाटा ,नहीं सिनेमा ,ना होटल
घर बैठे बस काम करो और टीवी तुम देखो दिन भर
फुर्र आशिक़ी हुई ,होगयी शुरू,रोज तू तू ,मै मै
कभी कल्पना ,ऐसे  हॉलीडे की ,ना थी सपने में
चेन तोड़ने कोरोना की ,चैन हमारा टूट गया
प्यार मोहब्बत के वादों का ,सारा भांडा  फूट  गया
होता झगड़ा रोज मगर हम ,रह जाते मन में घुट कर
ना पत्नी मइके जा सकती ,ना हम जा सकते  बाहर
इतने दिन ,पत्नी के संग रह  यही समझ में आता  है
रिश्तों में ज्यादा नजदीकी से खटास ,आ जाता है
दोष सभी था हालातों का ,अब हम किससे करे गिला
इक्कीस दिन के हनीमून में ,इक किस मुश्किल से न मिला

मदन मोहन बाहेती 'घोटू '  

Saturday, March 28, 2020


एक तो हम उनके दिल में पहले से ही  कैद थे ,
उसपे किस्मत ने है देखो  ,जुल्म ऐसा कर दिया
चार दीवारी में बंध कर ,रहने को मजबूर है ,
करोना के कहर ने है ,कैद घर में कर दिया

आदत बिगड़ न जाए

लड़ने को करोना से ,एकांत है जरूरी ,
बचना है महामारी ,ज्यादा नहीं बढ़ जाए
इतने दिनों घर बैठे ,काटा न वक़्त ऐसे ,
डर  है कहीं हमारी,आदत बिगड़ न जाए

करोना के कारण

न हो ऐसा ,करोना के कहर  से, देश ये दहले
हमें एकांत में रहना ,जरूरी सबसे है पहले
धड़ी है ये मुसीबत की ,चंद  दिन घर में ही रहलें
पढ़े हम कुछ,लिखे हम कुछ ,देख कर टीवी मन बहले
कभी बैठें,कभी लेटें ,कभी फिर घर में ही टहलें
भलाई जिसमे सबकी है ,परेशानी जरा सहलें

करोना का कहर - आठों प्रहर

कल कुर्सी का हथ्था बोला  ,कब तक बांह दबाओगे ,
थोड़ी देर छोड़ दो मुझको ,खुला चैन से रहने दो
टी वी का रिमोट मिमियाया ,बार बार क्यों बटन दबा,
 मेरी हालत पतली करदी ,मुझको टिक कर रहने दो
सिरहाने का तकिया भी गुस्सा हो मुझ पर गुर्राया ,
बोअर हो गया ,खर्राटे सुन ,हटो ,सांस लेनी मुझको
बीबी बोली बंद करो यह तरह तरह की फरमाइश ,
रोज पकाना ,झाड़ू ,बरतन ,सब करना पड़ता मुझको
हाथ जोड़ कर साबुन बोला  ,बार बार घिसते मुझको ,
धोकर हाथ पड़े हो पीछे ,चैन न तुमको आये है
अरे करोना ,सत्यानाशी ,तूने ये हालत करदी ,
तुझ कारण ,एकांतवास ने ,क्या क्या दिन दिखलाये है

मदन मोहन बाहेती 'घोटू '

Friday, March 27, 2020

है उम्र हमारी साठ  पार

तुम हमें बुजुर्ग बता कर के ,अहसास दिलाते बार बार
कर गयी जवानी बाय बाय ,है उम्र हमारी साठ  पार

कहते हममें  न बची फुर्ती ,गायब सब जोश ,गया जज्बा
हम दादागिरी दिखाते है ,लेकिन है अब्बा के अब्बा
कुछ कामधाम न बस दिन भर ,घर में हम बैठ निठल्ले से
बस वक़्त गुजारा करते है ,बंध कर बीबी के पल्ले से
या फिर गपियाते रहते है ,संग बिठा ,कभी उससे ,इससे
ना रहे काम के इसीलिये ,कर दिया रिटायर  सर्विस से
तंग करते रहते बीबी को फरमाइश करते है दिन भर
ये ला वो ला ,चल चाय बना ,और गरम पकोड़े ही दे तल
रस्सी जल गयी ,ऐंठ अब भी ,लेकिन है हममें बकरार
कर गयी जवानी बाय बाय ,है उम्र हमारी साठ पार

हम नहीं काम के रहे जरा ,ये सोच तुम्हारी नहीं ठीक
है भरे हुए हम अनुभव से ,हमसे सकते तुम बहुत सीख
हम दुर्ग विरासत के,बुजुर्ग ,हमको नाकारा मत समझो
हम अब भी आग लगा सकते ,बुझता अंगारा मत समझो
यह सूरज भले ढल रहा है ,पर उसकी आभा स्वर्णिम है
बारिश हम ताबड़तोड़ नहीं ,लेकिन  सावन की रिमझिम है
था जीवन सफर बड़ा मुश्किल ,हम तूफानों से खेले है
कितनी ही ठोकर खाई है ,कितने ही पापड़ बेले  है
सब पका पकाया मिला तुम्हे ,फिर है काहे का अहंकार
कर गयी जवानी बाय बाय ,है उम्र हमारी साठ  पार

तुम बूढा हमको जब कहते ,मन में मलाल छा जाता है
है कढ़ी भले ही बासी पर ,उसमे उबाल आ जाता  है
हो कितना ही बूढा बंदर ,लेना न गुलाटी भूले पर
लिखता अच्छी ग़ज़लें,नगमे ,कितना ही बूढा हो शायर
घट गयी भले तन की सुषमा ,पर मन की ऊष्मा बाकी है
नज़रें चाहे कमजोर हुई ,कर सकते ताका झांकी  है
उड़ता बूढा पंछी भी है ,माना कि उतना तेज नहीं
गुड़ मना ,गुलगुले से हमको ,लेकिन कोई परहेज नहीं
 बस थोड़ा  मौका मिल जाए ,हम कर सकते है चमत्कार
कर गयी जवानी बाय बाय ,है उम्र हमारी साठ  पार

मदन मोहन बाहेती 'घोटू '

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

अनुशासन पर्व

एक सन्नाटा सा पसरा है ,एक ख़ामोशी सी छाई है
सब के मन में ,शंकाओं की बस होती आवाजाही है

 द्वारों पर लटक रहे ताले  ,सब दूकानें वीरान पड़ी
रहती थी चहलपहल जिन पर ,वो सड़कें सब सुनसान पड़ी
जहाँ रौनक हल्ला गुल्ला था ,वहां मौन ,शांति की आहट  है
लोगों के मन में दबी दबी ,आशंका है ,घबराहट है
बस सूनापन ही सूनापन ,दिखता हर तरफ दिखाई है
एक सन्नाटा सा पसरा है एक ख़ामोशी सी छाई है

सब दुबके चारदीवारी में घर की ,मन में व्याकुलता है
जो थकते थे कर काम काम ,आराम उन्हें अब खलता है
घर में टी वी की ख़बरों पर सब रहते नज़र गढ़ाए है  
क्या होगा ,कैसे ,कब होगा,सब के मन में शंकाएं है
ये कैसा कहर है कुदरत का ,ये बला कहाँ से आई है
एक सन्नाटा सा  पसरा है ,एक ख़ामोशी सी छाई है

एक परमाणु सा लघु कीट,कर गया धमाका है बम का
दुनिया के कोने कोने में ,छाया है आलम ,मातम का  
अब मेलजोल को छोड़छाड़ ,सब लोग दूरियां बना रहे
ना हो प्रकोप 'कोरोना 'का ,वो  खैर खुदा से मना रहे
हम लड़े लड़ाई मिलजुल कर ,सबकी इसमें ही भलाई है
एक सन्नाटा सा पसरा है ,एक ख़ामोशी सी छाई  है

अब मेहरी नहीं न कामवाली ,सब काम खुद ही को करना है
पति पत्नी मिलजुल साथ रहे ,अब लड़ना है न झगड़ना है
संकल्प हमें अब करना है ,रहना संयम ,अनुशासन में
हम स्वस्थ, रहेंगे सदा स्वस्थ ,ये भाव भरे अपने मन में
सामजिक दूरी बना रख्खो ,रुक सकती तभी ,तबाही है
एक सन्नाटा सा पसरा है ,एक ख़ामोशी सी छाई  है

 मदन मोहन बाहेती 'घोटू '

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

【SEAnews】Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Aramaic roots IV)-E

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Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Aramaic roots IV)

 Isa (Jesus), son of Mary, said: "This world is a bridge. Pass over it, but build no houses on it." (Quran)
After conquering the Gujarat region, Akbar the Great (1556-1605), the third emperor of the Mughal Empire, who aimed for coexistence with other religions and peaceful unity of the world based on his ideal of Din-e-Ilahi (the religion of God), had transcribed on the wall of Buland Darwaze, Arc de Triomphe at the capital city of Fatehpur Sikri, the Quranic inscription: "Isa (Jesus), son of Mary, said: This world is a bridge. Pass over it, but build no houses on it. He who hopes for an hour may hope for eternity. The world endures but an hour. Spend it in prayer, for the rest is unseen."

According to Dr. Craig Considine, a professor based at the Department of Sociology at Rice University, Akbar invited theologians, poets, scholars and philosophers of Christian, Hindu, Jain and Zoroastrian faiths to his court to carry out a dialogue about religion throughout his rule. And he built the Ibidat Khana, or 'House of Worship' in the city of Fatehpur Sikri, a town located about 37 km west-southwest of Agra District of Uttar Pradesh, as an edifice where people of all religions could gather to participate in interfaith dialogue. He abolished the jizya, or poll tax on non-Muslims, and allowed for conversions to and from Islam. He not only married women of various faiths, such as Jodha Bai, a Hindu, and Maria Zamani Begum, a Christian, but also let Murad, a son born between he and Begum, preach the New Testament in his court. Allegedly, Murad started his New Testament lesson by stating "In the name of Christ" instead of the usual Islamic gesture "In the name of God." King Akbar also went to a hindu temple to hear the songs of Mirabai, the wife of his rival Prince Bhoka Raj of Mewar Kingdom, and deeply inspired by Mirabai's soulful music about God, Akbar went to place a diamond necklace at the feet of statue of Lord Krishna, a Hindu God, as a sign of respect. Akbar's tribute to Mirabai is a symbol of his willingness to be open to cross-cultural interaction as a means of building bridges across religious barriers, according to Professor Considine.
Although this passage of the Quran exists intact as it is neither in the canon nor in the apocrypha of the New Testament, it was probably included in the Q Gospel, which was transmitted to India, too, by Thomas. Jesus says in the Gospel of Thomas, verse 42, "Be passersby," and Paul also preaches in the Second Epistle to the Corinthians "those who use the things of the world, as if not engrossed in them. For this world in its present form is passing away. (1Co 7:31)."
According to Mr. Sasagu Arai, author of the Japanese version of The Gospel of Thomas, Paul's these words are presupposed the approach of the "end." In contrast. for Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas, "the Kingdom" is already realized in those who know the Self (Thomas 3,67,113). Therefore, he encourages us as a Gnostist, "Don't get caught up in the events of non-essential this world, but rather become "the one who is passing by."
Jesus is the type of Prince Shotoku

From the Christian theology, if the preordained certain persons, events, and institutions of the Old Testament bear to corresponding persons, events, and institutions in the New Testament, what is depicted in the Old Testament is called "type" and corresponding description in the New Testament is called "antitype." So it might be said that Jesus Christ was the "type" that the New Testament planned for the birth of Prince Shotoku in Japan, in other words, Prince Shotoku was "antitype" of Jesus Christ.
During the period from the Yayoi Era (弥生時代BC10C.-AD3C.) to the Taika Reform (大化の改新AD645), the upheaval of the change of dynasties and the invasion of nomads in China spread to the Korean Peninsula, and a large amount of immigrants rushed into the Japanese archipelago. It was a time of gale storms for Japan. The indigenous people, called Jomon-jin (縄文人: native Japanese lived in 16,000–3,000 years ago), were compelled to accept these immigrants, who flocked in with ironware, farming techniques and equestrian customs. The Yamato Imperial Court (大和朝廷), born late in this period, seems to have been generally openly and aggressively embraced advanced foreign culture. However, during Prince Shotoku's era, the Yamato court was forced to navigate difficulties, with the powerful clans linked to the Baekje (百済) and Silla (新羅) of the Korean Peninsula, the Sui Dynasty (隋朝) in China, and even the Central Asian dynasties.
Ancient exchanges of Japan, China and Korean Peninsula
Here, let's look back on the exchanges between ancient Japan and China and Korea from Chinese records.

≪1027 BC-770 BC (Western Zhou Dynasty:西周)≫
During Zhou King Cheng (成王)'s era, the country was well ruled and peaceful. The Vietnamese (越裳) donated white pheasants and the people of Wa (倭: General name of the Japanese archipelago in ancient China) contributed herbs (鬯草). However, eating the white pheasants and taking the herbs did not prevent evil matters. <論衡(Lun heng: Discourses in the Balance)>
≪770 BC-475 BC (Eastern Zhou Dynasty: 東周the Spring and Autumn period: 春秋時代)≫
But the eastern barbarians (東夷) were naturally obedient and different from the other three sides. Therefore, when Confucius (孔子) lamented that the humanity had been gone, he said, "If I could float on the sea, I would like to live in the nine barbaric lands." There was a reason. It has been said that there had been hundreds of Wa nations across the sea of Le lang (楽浪: Near current Pyongyang) and their envoys had come to see our emperors. <漢書地理志燕地条:Book of the Later Han, Geographica the land of Yan>
≪475 BC-222 BC (Eastern Zhou Dynasty: 東周 the Warring States period: 戦国時代)≫
There are 24 countries of Dong-ti people (東鯷人) in the waters beyond Huiji (会稽: Near Shaoxing City of Zhejiang Province). There are also Yizhou (夷州) and Chanzhou (澶州). There is a following legend; "Qin Shi Huang (秦始皇), the first emperor of unified China, ordered a sorcerer called XuFu (徐福) to go to Penglai Country (蓬莱国) and obtain the medicine for perpetual youth and longevity. XuFu took thousands of boys and girls and crossed the sea, but failed to obtain the medicine. XuFu was afraid of being executed, stayed in the country and did not return." For this reason, the number of people in the country has grown to several tens of thousands over several generations, and occasionally come to Huiji (会稽) and trade. Some people living in Dongye district (東冶県) of Huiji (会稽) some time drift to Chanzhou (澶州) but they cannot travel back and forth because it is too remote place. <漢書地理志呉地条:Book of the Later Han, Geographica the land of Wu>
≪In 57 C.E.,≫
Nakoku (奴国) of Wa (倭) was awarded a gold seal by Emperor Guangwudi (光武帝) of the later Han Dynasty (後漢).
≪In 107 C.E.,≫
Suishou (帥升), the king of Wa, sought an audience with Emperor Andi (安帝) of the later Han.
≪During the period from 146 to 189 C.E.,≫
a turbulence occurred in the country of Wa, but when the woman named Himiko (卑彌呼) took the throne, the turbulence subsided.
≪In 173 C.E.,≫
Himiko dispatched a mission to Silla (新羅) in Korea. [At that time the country was colled Saro (斯蘆) or Sara (斯羅) until 504 C.E. when the country name was standardized into Silla (新羅).]
≪In 193 C.E.,≫
about 1,000 people of Wa emigrated to Silla.
≪In 203 C.E.,≫
 Wa troops invaded Silla.
≪In 232 C.E.,≫
Wa troops surrounded Silla's royal capital, Gyeongju (金城), but Silla repelled it. The number of Japanese war dead and prisoners was as many as 1,000.
≪In 233 C.E.,≫
Wa troops invaded Silla again, but they were annihilated by a fire attack.
≪In 239 C.E.,≫
Queen Himiko dispatched a mission to Wei (魏) and was awarded a gold seal and 100 bronze mirrors for 'Pro-Wei Japanese King (親魏倭王).'
≪In 240 C.E.,≫
Himiko died and the civil war occurred again in Wa. Wangqi (王頎), Governor of Daifang Commandery (帯方郡太守) of Wei, dispatched a messenger called Zhangzheng (張政) and tried to arbitrate them. Later, when a woman named Iyo (壹與), a relative of Himiko, took the throne at the age of 13, the conflict subsided.
≪In 243 C.E.,≫
Iyo, the Queen of Wa, sent eight people, including the high stewards Iseeki (伊聲耆) and Ekiyaku (掖邪狗), as envoys to Wei, during which Ekiyaku was given an official seal for the Lieutenant Colonel of the Imperial Guard (率善中郎将).
≪In 246,≫
Emperor of Wei gave Nashime (難升米), the envoy of Yamatai-Koku (邪馬台国), a yellow banner via Daifang Commandery.
≪In 247,≫
Yamatai-Koku sent Saishi (載斯), Uotsu (烏越), and others to the Daifang Commandery to report about a dispute with the state of Kuna (狗奴国). Zhangzheng, Daifang Commandery envoy of Wei, visited Wakoku, gave Nashime an Imperial Rescript (詔書) and a yellow banner.
≪In 249 C.E.,≫
an envoy of Wa killed Seok Uro (昔于老), Soburuhan (舒弗邯:the highest officer) in Silla.
≪In 287 C.E.,≫
Wa troops invaded Silla and captured 1,000 Silla soldiers.

Thereafter China entered the age of so-called the 'Period of the Five Barbarians and Sixteen Kingdoms (五胡十六国)' and during this period various nomads invaded northern China and built their own dynasties and competed with the southern dynasties of Han people. Thus Wa does not appear in Chinese records for about 150 years since then. In the Korean Peninsula too, the Goguryeo (高句麗), built by Maek people (貊人), one of the Tungusic nomads, became powerful, and competed with the southeastern Silla (新羅) and the southwestern Baekje (百済) and entered the era of Three Kingdoms of Korea. Baekje appears to have tried to counter the invasion of Goguryeo and Silla by strengthening its ties with Liang (梁), which was eager to promote Buddhism in southern China, and Japan.
The pronunciations of "邪馬台" should be "Yamato"
By the way, regarding Yamatai-Koku (邪馬台国) reigned by Queen Himiko (卑弥呼), the history books of China, including "The account of the people of 'Wa' in Wei shu of Annals of the Three Kingdoms (三国志魏志倭人伝)," "The History of the Late Han Dynasty (後漢書)," "The Book of the Liang Dynasty (梁書)" and "The Book of the Sui Dynasty (隋書)" indicate as "邪馬壹国," "邪馬臺国," "邪馬臺国" and "邪馬臺" respectively. There are two different types of notations, "邪馬壹国" and "邪馬臺国." In Japan, it has been pronounced "Yamatai-Koku" based on the latter. However, according to Mr. Akihiko Motoki (元木明彦), Vice Chairman of the Ishii Kojiki Study Group (石井古事記研究会), a Chinese character (漢字) usually consists of partial (偏) and body (旁) and its pronunciation is based on the body. So taking only the body, both "壹" and "臺" are pronounced "to(u)." Thus the pronunciations of "邪馬壹国" and "邪馬臺国" are same and it should be "Yamato," And also according to Mr. Shinzo Fukunaga (福永晋三), a Japanese ancient history researcher, the word should be pronounced as "Yamato" based on pronunciation of Manyo-gana (万葉仮名), a form of syllabary used in the Manyoshu (万葉集). If so, then Yamatai-Koku was also a country of the Tensonn tribe (天遜族). In other words, it may have been a country built by people called 'Yehoamato,' who had come from a country called Yuzuki (弓月Yuegong) near the Lake Balkash in Central Asia and had been a descendant tribe of the ancient Israelites.

Zhou li (周里: the unit of distance of Zhou era) was used
Another notable point is that according to Mr. Shinzo Fukunaga, one li (里), the unit of distance used in "The account of the people of 'Wa' in Wei shu of Annals of the Three Kingdoms (三国志魏志倭人伝)," is 67.5 meters. This length of "li" was used in Zhou (周) dynasty's era and not in Qin (秦) dynasty's or in Wei (魏) dynasty's. For your reference, the length of "one li", used in Qin dynasty's era and in Wei dynasty's era were 405 meters and 72 meters respectively. According to Mr. Fukunaga, the Wei shu of Annals of the Three Kingdoms, the Book of the Liang Dynasty and the Book of the Sui Dynasty, etc., all seem to refer to the descriptions of the Book of the later Han Dynasty.
Wei's envoys visited to Yamatai-Koku and the editor of the Book of the later Han Dynasty don't seem to measure the distance from Lelangjun (楽浪郡Near Pyeongyang) and Daifangjun (帯方郡 Near Seoul) to various parts of Wa intentionally using the "li" used in Zhou dynasty's era. Probably, it was recorded according to the statements of Wa people. However, it is impossible to say that indigenous Japanese in Jomon and Yayoi eras measured the distance from various parts of the Japanese archipelago to China and Korea using the Pythagorean theorem or the surveying technology based on Haidaosuanjing (海島算経: Sea Island Mathematical Manual). But, as early as during the Zhou dynasty era, people of Wa offered medicinal herbs to King Cheng (成王) and traded in Huiji (会稽), Zhejiang Province (浙江省). These people of Wa must have been different ethnic groups who had flown into the Japanese archipelago via the Korean Peninsula. They would have included Yehoamato tribe who had come all the way from the shores of Lake Balkhash in Central Asia.
Another theory: Yamatai-Koku was on the Shikoku Mountains

Regarding the location where the Yamatai-Koku existed, "the theory of Kitakyushu (北九州)," which had been the base of many of immigrant clans who came via the Korean Peninsula and has the myth of Tensonkorin (天孫降臨the sun goddess's grandson's descent to earth), and "the theory of Kinai (畿内)," where the Yamato court was established, have been considered prominent. However, both theories had the difficulty that the Wei envoys' itinerary described in "The account of the people of 'Wa' in Wei shu of Annals of the Three Kingdoms (三国志魏志倭人伝)" was different from the actual geographies of these two regions. However, recently, the "theory of Shikoku Mountains (四国山上説: Yamatai-Koku was on the Shikoku Mountains.)," which matches the description of "The account of the people of 'Wa' in Wei shu of Annals of the Three Kingdoms" (including the itinerary), has been spotlighted. However, in this theory, one li (里) seems to be set at 76-77 meters. According to Mr. Hiroshi Osugi (大杉博), who advocates this theory, the residents of Yamatai-Koku were mainly living on slash-and-burn agriculture in the mountains. This lifestyle conforms to the description of "The account of the people of 'Wa' in Wei shu of Annals of the Three Kingdoms," and can be said to follow the tradition of the Jomon people (縄文人) who relied on primitive farming. However, the description of "The account of the people of 'Wa' in Wei shu of Annals of the Three Kingdoms," that they did not use horses and cattle, seems to be incompatible with the lifestyle of the nomad Yehoamato, who came from Yuzuki (弓月) near the Lake Balkash.
Only 10% of genetic information of modern Japanese came from Jomon people

Protestant Bible commentator Mr. Arimasa Kubo points out that as for the genes of the Y chromosome (that only males have) of modern Japanese, Haplogroup D is 40%, O is 50% and the remaining 10% is Haplogroup C and others. According to him, the Jomon people had no outbreak in the Japanese archipelago but they themselves were migrants. They were not single ethnic group, too, but several ethnic groups and tribes.
Michael F. Hammer, an assistant professor at the University of Arizona in Tucson, and Mr. Satoshi Horai (宝来聡), a scientist of the National Institute of Genetics in Japan (国立遺伝学研究所), looked to the Y chromosome for an answer to the question of Japanese origins and found that the Y Alu polymorphic (YAP) element is present in 25% of the whole Japanese, in 90% of Ainu, in 50% of Okinawans, in 1% of each Koreans and Chinese respectively and in 50% of Tibetans.
Mr. Hammer pointed out that when Alu entered into Y chromosome in Central Asia 50,000 years ago, the Jomon ancestor seems to have been born there.
[In 2000, M. Hammer, et al. conducted a study on 1371 men and definitively established that part of the paternal gene pool of Jewish communities in Europe, North Africa and Middle East came from a common Middle East ancestral population. In a study of Israeli Jews and Palestinian Muslim Arabs, more than 70% of the Jewish men and 82% of the Arab men whose DNA was studied, had inherited their Y chromosomes from the same paternal ancestors, who lived in the region within the last few thousand years. (Wikipedia)]

According to Mr. Horai, it is suggested that YAP+ chromosomes migrated to Japan with the Jomon people 10,000 years ago and that a large infusion of YAP- chromosomes entered Japan with the Yayoi migration starting 2,300 years ago.
According to Atsushi Tajima (田嶋敦), an assistant professor of Tokai University, Haplogroup D and D2 and C1 distributed in Ainu are considered to be the genotypes of the Jomon people, and C3 is also possible.
According to molecular anthropologist Dr. Mitsuru Sakitani, Japanese people are famous for having a high frequency of Haplogroup D of Y chromosome DNA. Except for the Japanese, only Tibetans and people in the Middle East have this DNA worldwide. Japanese people, from the Ainu to the mainland Japanese and Okinawans, are basically based on northern Paleo-Mongoloids and are different from East Asian countries such as China and Korea, who are basically based on Neo-Mongoloids.

The classification of old and new Mongoloids is based on their experience of adaptation to the ice age. The neo-Mongoloids adapted to cold weather in northern Asia during the glacial period, and as a result have unique morphological characteristics such as flat and undefined features of face and single eyelid. By contrast, Paleo-Mongoloids are said to be relatively short, and have finely chiseled features, most times double eyelids and much body hair. Paleo-Mongoloids further divide into northern and southern branchs. The Northern Paleo-Mongoloids, which had originally widely distributed throughout Asia, are said to have been gradually eliminated in areas other than the Tibetan Plateau and the Japanese archipelago.
On the other hand, the author of 'Choh Nihonshi (超日本史:Ultra-Japanese History)' and commentator Mr. Makoto Mogi (茂木誠) points out that the ratio of Southern Chinese origin maternal gene 'mitochondrial DNA group D' held by residents of the Japanese archipelago was just 20% in Jomon period but went up to 50% in Yayoi period and then came down to 40% for modern Japanese people.
These facts suggest that a large amount of Southern Chinese flowed into the Japanese archipelago during the Yayoi period. In other words, it can be said that the majority people of the Japanese archipelago during the Yayoi period was occupied by Southern Chinese. Later, if the ratio dropped by 10 points to 40%, there seems to have been a huge influx of other types of migrants (perhaps Koreans, northern Chinese, nomads, etc.) beyond the possibility of a sharp increase in Jomon people.
In any case, the genetic information of Japanese people also suggests that different ethnic groups flowed into the Japanese archipelago via the Korean Peninsula during the Yayoi period. Although the indigenous Jomon people became a minority in this way, according to a recent report from the University of Tokyo research team, the number of Jomon people, which had once declined due to factors such as cooling of the climate, seems to have increased sharply again in the Yayoi period, benefited by advanced technologies such as rice cultivation.
Researchers at the National Museum of Nature and Science and six other institutions, who had launched an anthropological project to investigate the genetic origins of the Japanese, reported "Modern Japanese people have inherited about 10 percent of the DNA present in a Jomon woman," in a paper titled, "Late Jomon male and female genome sequences from the Funadomari site in Hokkaido, Japan," published in the journal 'Anthropological Science' in May 2019.
Formation of Yamato ethnic consciousness

According to Shinzo Fukunaga, the Izumo kingdom (出雲王国) of Susano (須佐之男命) was destroyed by the Tenjin tribe (天神族), whose ancestor was Nigihayahi (饒速日命), and Himiko's Yamatai-Koku (邪馬台国), which had succeeded Tenman-Wa-Koku(天満倭国=奴国) built through destroying Tenjin tribe by Emperor Jinmu (神武天皇), was destroyed by Empress Jingu (神功皇后). It seems that the Tenson tribe (天遜族: descendants of the sun goddess), who had descended on Takachiho no Mine (高千穂の峰) in Kyushu (九州), merged with Izumo Kingdom and Yamatai-Koku, during they expanded their sphere of influence to Kinki region (近畿地方).
What is worthy of note is that the early recognition themselves as Yamato tribe was established among powerful clans in Kitakyushu, Shikoku and even Kinki regions. If so, Yehoamato tribe, who had lived on the shores of Lake Balkhash, seems to have come along with a large kin and established symbiotic relationships with Jomon people from all over the Japanese archipelago, before the Chinese and the Korean's arrival and traded with the continent and played the role of priming water to bring other ethnic groups into Japan.
Because the authentic history Book of Han Dynasty (漢王朝), the Global Great Empire on par with Rome, promoted worldwide existence of the paradise of Horai (蓬莱) and naturally obedient people of Wa (倭) in the sea of Le lang (楽浪) quoting the words of the Confucius and the episode of Emperor Qin (Qin Shi Huang秦始皇), huge refugees tired of the war, not only from Northeast Asia but also from Central Asia, seem to have come into the Japanese archipelago. As a result, the indigenous Jomon people quickly became ethnic minorities. Fortunately, the Jomon people were distributed almost evenly from Hokkaido in the north to Okinawa in the south and they were doing regional trade activities before the Yayoi period. Thus it is likely that the migrant groups needed the help of Jomon people to establish their living bases in the Japanese archipelago. For this reason, different groups of immigrants very likely began to use Jomon people's language as intermediaries among them.

Mr. Kubo pointed out that according to Nihonshoki (日本書紀), Emperor Jinmu (神武天皇) said, "Hakko ichiu (八紘一宇: The world is a family under one roof)." Seemingly, 'the king of Samaria, the noble founder of the Ephraim tribe of Yahweh: Kamu Yamato Iware-hiko Sumera-mikoto' came to the Japanese archipelago with the ideal of 'Hachiko Ichiu,' before Moses led the Jewish people and escaped Egypt. His ideal of 'Hachiko Ichiu' seems to have been inherited in 'the Seventeen-Article Constitution (十七条憲法),' of which utmost priority was put on harmony, issued by Prince Shotoku, and in Emperor Akbar's Din-e-Ilahi, or 'the religion of God,' under which all religions should be reconciled.
By the way, before the war, on December 6, 1938, the Japanese government decided on the "Summary of Jewish Measures" for the protection of Jews, stating that "exclusion of Jews does not conform to the spirit of 'Hakko Ichiu' of racial equality." This was due to the Incident that Major General Kiichirou Higuchi (樋口季一郎), then head of the secret service in Harbin (ハルピン特務機関長), acknowledged about 20,000 Jewish refugees stuck in Otpor, a border area between Manchuria and the Soviet Union, to enter Manchuria.<To be continued>

What is "Baptism with The Holy Spirit"?
According to the dialectic of the Gospel of John,
【Thesis】"A man can possess eternal life through accepting testimony of the Son of man and being baptized by him." (John 5:24)
【Anti-thesis】But "The one who comes from the earth cannot accept the testimony by one from heaven." (John 3:32)
How then can a man possess eternal life?
【Synthesis】"If you want to be baptized with the Holy Spirit, you can just go back to the word which was with God in the beginning (John 1:1) and certify that God is truthful. (John 3:33)"
When he said, "You are Huichao," Zen Master Fayan thrusted vivid Self in Huichao in front of his eyes.
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