Friday, August 16, 2019

【SEAnews:India Front Line Report】August 15, 2019 (Thu) No. 3935

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India Front Line Report
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Latest Top News(vol.190815)
(最新ニュース 27件)
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46550(1/27)

○トランプ発言が第370条早期廃止の主因(...Read more)
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46551(2/27)

【金奈】副总统M.旺凯亚·奈杜(M Venkaiah Naidu)说「废除宪法第370条,为了未来和安全以及保障符合国家的利益并当务之急,这是一件好事。」他说「现在有关法案获得通过,我可以坦率地谈论这个问题。」
○特朗普言论是提早废除第370条的主要原因(...Read more)
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46552(3/27)
◆Abrogation of Article 370 is in the interest of nation: Vice President

【Chennai】Abrogation of Article 370 is in the interest of the nation for its future, for security and safety. That's the need of the hour. It is a good thing, said Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu. "Now that the Bill has been passed, I am free to talk on the issue," he said.
○Kashmir's special status was scrapped to end 'terrorism,' says Amit Shah
○Donald Trump supplied a quick trigger(...Read more)
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46553(4/27)

○『モディ&シャー商会』の目標(...Read more)
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46554(5/27)

【伊斯兰堡】克什米尔-天性的女仆-被印度人民党(BJP)所蛊惑。印度内政部长阿米特·沙阿(Amit Shah)通过一挥总统笔(presidential pen)而废止被印度宪法第370条保障的查谟和克什米尔的特殊地位。他将查谟和克什米尔跟居那加徳(Junagadh),海得拉巴(Hyderabad)和果阿(Goa)的残骸在一起扔掉垃圾箱里。
○『莫迪和沙阿商行』的目标(...Read more)
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46555(6/27)
◆A dark dawn

【Islamabad】KASHMIR — nature's handmaiden — lies ravished by the BJP. India's Minister of Home Affairs Amit Shah has revoked, with the stroke of a presidential pen, the special status of Jammu & Kashmir guaranteed under Article 370 of the Indian constitution. He has relegated them to the dustbin that contains the remains of Junagadh, Hyderabad and Goa.
○UN Resolution No. 47 of 1948
○Shimla Agreement/Lahore Declaration
○The aim of Messrs Modi and Shah(...Read more)
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46556(7/27)

【ダッカ】ジャム&カシミール国民協議会(JKNC:Jammu and Kashmir National Conference)議長を務めるファルーク・アブデゥッラー国会議員は7月23日、長引くジャム&カシミール問題を解決するためドナルド・トランプ米国大統領に仲裁を求めたナレンドラ・モディ首相を祝福するとともに、世界の大国にカシミールをピース・ゾーンにするよう呼びかけた。
○世界の指導者はトランプ大統領に見習うべし:人民党議長(...Read more)
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46557(8/27)

【达卡】查谟和克什米尔全国会议(JKNC:Jammu and Kashmir National Conference)主席兼议员法鲁克·阿卜杜拉(Farooq Abdullah)博士于7月23日,祝贺纳伦徳拉·莫迪总理向美国总统唐纳徳·特朗普寻求调解查谟和克什米尔的长期争端,并向世界大国呼吁将克什米尔成为和平区。
○全球领导人应该向特朗普总统学习:人民政治党主席(...Read more)
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46558(9/27)
◆Jammu and Kashmir welcome the US President's mediation

【Dhaka】Jammu and Kashmir National Conference president and Member Parliament Dr Farooq Abdullah on July 23 congratulated Prime Minister Narendra Modi for seeking intervention of United States President Donald Trump in solving the protracted issue of Jammu and Kashmir and asked world powers to make Kashmir a peace zone.
○It's high time for Indo-Pak to shun hostilities: J&K National Conference
○J&K MPs also welcomed the courageous move of PM Modi
○Kashmir is a political and humanitarian issue: Hurriyat Conference
○Global leaders should follow the suit of Trump: People's Political Party(...Read more)
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46559(10/27)

○インド外務省は直ちに否定(...Read more)
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46560(11/27)

【达卡】克什米尔问题这次超越了两个邻国 - 印度和巴基斯坦,却卷入世界主要霸权国美国而对国际政治再次激起了波纹。
○印度外交部立即否认(...Read more)
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46561(12/27)
◆Kashmir Arbitration Offer By US:Pakistan welcomes

【Dhaka】Kashmir issue has once again stirred the politics involving this time , beyond two neighbours – India and Pakistan, the major global power United States of America.
○Modi said would you like to be a mediator or arbitrator?
○Indian Ministry of External Affairs denies immediately(...Read more)
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46562(13/27)

○ソニア・ガンディー女史、国民会議派暫定総裁に復帰(...Read more)
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46563(14/27)

○索尼娅·甘地女士回到国大党临时总裁(...Read more)
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46564(15/27)
◆Modi has betrayed India's interests: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi

【New Delhi】If what Trump claims is true, Modi has betrayed India's interests, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi said, a sentiment backed by several Opposition leaders who spoke out in Parliament and outside.
○Sonia Gandhi back at Congress helm as interim president(...Read more)
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46565(16/27)

【ニューデリー】商工省傘下の産業国内取引促進局(DPIIT:Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade)の年次報告書によると、インドは2019年3月期会計年度に史上最高の643億7000万米ドルの外国直接投資(FDI)の流入を見た。過去5年間のFDI流入額は2860億米ドルだった。(...Read more)
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46566(17/27)

【新徳里】根据贸工部之下工业和国内贸易促进局(DPIIT:Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade)年度报告,印度在2019年3月底为期的2018-19财政年期间获得了有史以来最高的643亿7000万美元外国直接投资(FDI)的流入。在过去五年中,印度收到了价值2860亿美元的外国直接投资。(...Read more)
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46567(18/27)
◆India received highest-ever FDI worth $64.37 b

【New Delhi】India received the highest-ever foreign direct investments (FDI) inflow of USD 64.37 billion during the fiscal ended March 2019, according to the Annual Report 2018-19 of the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) under the commerce and industry ministry. In past five years, FDI worth USD 286 billion were received in the country. (...Read more)
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46568(19/27)

○情報相、政治的背景指摘(...Read more)
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46569(20/27)

【达卡】在孟加拉国,到目前为止,包括妇女在内的8个人因涉嫌绑架儿童的谣言在全国各地遭到殴打致死。内政部长阿萨杜扎曼·汗(Asaduzzaman Khan)于7月23日表示,那些应对杀人事件负责的人将在谋杀案件中被指控。
○信息部长闻到政治气味(...Read more)
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46570(21/27)
◆Govt Finds 'Anti-Govt' Links In Mob Lyncing over Padma Bridge project

【Dhaka】So far, eight people, including women, have been beaten to death across the country over the rumours of child abduction. Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan on July 23 said those who are responsible for the killings will be made accused in murder cases.
○Information Minister smells politics (...Read more)
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46571(22/27)

【ダッカ】福祉政策に敏感な定年退職した元銀行員の隣人が2019年7月14日の早朝、「国民党(Jatiya Party)党首ホサイン・ムハマド・エルシャド退役将軍がたった今死去した」と電話で知らせてくれた。私は一人のイスラム教徒として即座に『インナ・リラヘオインナ・イライヘ・ラジュン』と唱え、『誰も死んで、アッラーに戻り、この世における善行悪行の報いを受けねばならない』と答えた。
○エルシャド氏の死去で国民党の指導権争い顕在化(...Read more)
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46572(23/27)

【达卡】我的一个邻居(对国家福利政策很敏感的退休银行家)于2019年7月14日早晨用电话告诉我,民族党(Jatiya Party)主席侯赛因·穆罕默徳·艾尔沙徳(Husain Muhammad Ershad)退役将军刚去世。我作为一个回教徒立刻背诵了『Inna LillaheOinna Ilaihe Rajeun』,并说「每个人都必死而回到安拉(Allah),必得在这个世界里所做的善事和恶事的报应。」
○艾尔沙徳的去世后,民族党的夺权斗战表面化(...Read more)
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46573(24/27)
◆What Would Look Bangladesh Politics Without Ershad?

【Dhaka】In the morning of July 14, 2019 my neighbor a retired banker sensitive to welfare of the country informed me me over telephone that Jatiya Party Chairman General (Retd) Husain Muhammad Ershad Just passed away. I in response to which I as a Muslim instantly recited Inna LillaheOinna Ilaihe Rajeun, and said everybody is mortal and must return to Allah to answer his/her deeds or misdeets in the world.
○JP Embark On Leadership Feud After Ershad's Death(...Read more)
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46574(25/27)

○日本人も要学習!?(...Read more)
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46575(26/27)

○日本人也需要学习!?(...Read more)
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46576(27/27)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Love your neighbor as yourself)

 On the way to the hill of Golgotha carrying the cross, Jesus exhausted and stopped by the door of a Jewish cobbler called Ahasverus and asked him a cup of water. But the Jew drove him along wickedly with these words: "Go, go you tempter." Then Jesus kept his eyes on Ahasverus for a while and answered him, "I will go but you must walk arownd the earth and never rest until my second coming in the Last Judgement." It is said that Ahasverus, who had been exiled from his native country, was witnessed all over Europe until the 18th century, which was even after one thousand and some hundreds of years later from it.
○The Parable of the Good Samaritan
○Far sight and deep design of Luke?
○Origin of the Samaritan
○Jesus and Paul's relationship with Essenes
○Samaritans are the very our neighbors
○Wandering Ahasverus
○Jews are the very neighbors for Andersen
○Who Is That?
○"I'm Yellow, White and a little Blue"
○Japanese also need to learn! ?(...Read more)
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